Friday, October 17, 2008

Promote virally by one click

After telling you things about bringing your blog up and how to write it better, in my earlier post. Today, I will tell u a mix of things which directly touches the money. From very starting of your blog ,you will not get many visitors or I should say ,very less visitors who might be not so interested in clicking on your ads. Don’t get depressed, its just start, keep patience and keep writing regularly. One hour is not so big thing to consume to get a monthly earning of thousands of dollars. But still you need some boosting up ways to increase your traffic so go for feedburner.

Feedburner is another RSS or XML feed publishing tool which can help you out to get much more visitors. One more advantage to use feedburner is that it is directly connected to google. Means ,if you have blogger, typepad or blogspot account than  you can include feedburner gadgets and feed subscribing tools in your blog very easily, without messing up with HTML codes. You just need to sign up in feedburner and check out the available tools. Choose your tool like feedreader or subscriber and choose which blog service you are using. Feed burner will send you to login page of your blog service provider and you can add it just after signing up.

Advantages from feedburner :

1.      It provides you stats of people coming on your blog like how many came and subscribed.

2.      It provides you live stats i.e. people presently using your blog and which feed readers they are using.

3.      It provides site stats. Means from where traffic is coming on your blog, people are clicking on which links on your blog and about page views. This thing helps you in checking out your efforts and making more organized efforts.

4.      If you enable one of its option “ping shot”  than after every post you publish, it sends your blog feeds automatically to major feed subscribers like technorati, blogline etc.

5.      You can put some promotional and stats gadgets like feedcount, subscribe a reader and many more, provided by feedburner and easy to add in your blog. Feedcount shows the number of people subscribed to your feeds on your blog. If you have really good number of people subscribed to your blog, you would surely like to show this to othersJ. It’s promotional also as people feels by this, that your blog is popular one and they should subscribe it.

6.      And yes, one more thing you can choose from number of web aggregator icons option to subscribe for feed from here. It really attracts visitors.

So make it to help your blog run everywhere virally and enjoy. In next post I will tell you, how gadgets can be helpful in site and blog promotion. Promotion is necessary always, because it brings more visitors and hence more money.

1 comment:

Prashant said...

nice and informative blog to earn money online.Particularly i have found one more nice way of promotion.Your blog seriously provides good information.